Jack was in heaven because he got to fish. I hardly saw him Saturday evening or most of the day Sunday except through my zoom lens. He caught a bunch of blue gills and bass:

Which he filleted and fried up along with some hush puppies for a fantastic Monday morning brunch.

here is the frying set up. Fish, cornmeal and Hush Puppy Batter.

Mmmm...finished hush puppy. He based the batter off this recipe on the back of the Martha White bag. He added fresh peppers from my uncle's garden. He seemed suprised how easy hush puppies were to make. They were delicious. The potatoes were added to the frying oil for the stray cornmeal to stick too. Neat tip!

Fried fish and hush puppies. We had some homemade cocktail sauce, but I ate mine with Malt Vinegar.

Fried whole fish. Well, minus head, guts and scales...These were a bit too small for filleting, and my uncle said he often fries 'em up like this. I had one and it was fun to eat. The very tip of the tail and the fins were really crunchy like potato chips.
Sunday I put together a campfire fondue. I was inspired by this campfire Brie on CHOW. I had some Raclette at home, though, so I used that, some Brie and some Emmenthaler. I added a little beer to aid in melting and through the whole foil package on the grill (Couldn't find good embers in the fire...)

It's not very pretty. I probably should have taken the brie rind off, but it tasted really good. We served it with crusty bread, and after awhile it became more of a thick spread than a dipping fondue.

Sunday night we had a big bonfire which of course meant s'mores. S'mores are probably one of my top 10 favorite foods. It's just a perfect combination. My cousin came up with R'morses, which were s'mores made with reeses peanut butter cups instead of plain hershey's chocolate bars. They were good, of course, but I prefer the old school classic.

My uncle has this new fancy garden set up. We were eating the romaine lettuce and spinach all weekend. Unbelievably better than store-bought. We took some home. I can't wait til he starts getting the tomatoes and asparagus and zucchini and chili peppers in.

I made last night's dinner with the fresh lettuce and spinach...a huge salad with blue cheese, bacon and black olives dressed with olive oil and black pepper, with a small crusty baguette, some asparagus brie soup and a couple glasses of Sauvignon Blanc/Semillon. So good and springy. The tomatoes are actually from the supermarket, and were suprisingly good. Thaey are a special variety from the Santa Sweets brand called Uglyripe tomatoes. Still not as good as homegrown, but leaps and bounds better than the tomatoes you usually find at grocery stores.

I also made today's bento with that lettuce and spinach. I went with a much more western bento this time, a simple sald of greens, cucumbers and tomatoes with canned tuna seasoned with olive oil, salt, pepper and garlic powder. The top teir is mini charleston chews, some sandwich cookies and my last two Botan rice candies.
So basically, a great weekend with my loved ones and some very fresh and tasty food. How were your memorial weekend eats?