Like I said summer has hit hard here in St. Louis. A wet wool blanket of hot wet air that causes you to break into a drippy sweat as soon as you leave the comfort of the air-conditioned indoors. Blech. So lighter meals it is! Tonight's dinner is simply rice, with firm tofu and kimchee. The kimchee provides all the flavor, so there is not recipe, cooking or prepping needed, except for the cooking of the rice. It's light, filling, flavorful and cheap. Summer on a plate.
While I was picking up tofu and kimchee at the Asian grocery store, I happened upon these...

When did my beloved Wasabi Peas get a little sister?!?! Why didn't they send me a birth announcement?!?! Seriously... I love crunchy pea snacks, and I love Sriracha sauce. Brilliant. My new favorite snack to have with beer. Spicy, garlicky, slightly sweet. Man do I love the Asian grocery store. It's a wonderland.